Portable Monitor Ultimate Buying Guide for Firefighting | Everything You Need to Know

Portable Monitor Ultimate Buying Guide for Firefighting | Everything You Need to Know
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Portable Monitor Product Guide

Portable monitors are essential for handling high-volume water or foam delivery in both offensive and defensive fireground situations. Their versatility means they can be tailored to specific firefighting scenarios, and understanding the distinctions between types can help crews make the best choice for each situation.

Types of Portable Monitors


1. Ground Monitors (Attack Monitors)

Ground monitors are ideal for high-flow water delivery at ground level, offering stability and the ability to operate independently. These monitors are generally positioned in outdoor environments, such as open spaces near buildings or large complexes. Models like the BlitzFire, BlitzForce, and BlitzTac allow firefighters to establish an attack line quickly, often with limited personnel. This setup is especially beneficial in scenarios where:

  • High flow rates are needed for quick knockdown of large fires in industrial settings, warehouses, or parking areas.
  • Staffing is limited, and the monitor needs to run unattended, enabling the crew to focus on other critical tasks.
  • Wide-area cooling or exposure protection is necessary, such as when protecting adjacent structures from radiant heat or containing perimeter fires.

Want a hands-on experience with our ground monitors? Schedule a demo!

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2. Mounted Portable Monitors

Mounted portable monitors offer flexible deployment and directional control from elevated or unique angles. They’re often clamped or mounted on an apparatus, allowing firefighters to adjust their position for optimal effectiveness. This type is especially useful in:

  • Challenging positions where space is limited, such as mounted on ladder trucks or aerial platforms to reach higher floors of buildings.
  • Urban firefighting scenarios, where directional control is needed to target high points without obstructing other operations on the ground.
  • Wildland-urban interfaces, where the terrain may require elevated attacks, and quick repositioning of the monitor allows for flexible responses to shifting fire lines. The Hemisphere model, for example, can be clamped at various points for greater versatility.

Ready to try the Hemisphere for yourself? Schedule a demo!

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3. Dual-Purpose Monitors (Deck Gun/Portable Monitors)

Dual-purpose monitors, like the Crossfire, can function as both a portable ground monitor and a mounted deck gun. This hybrid capability allows crews to quickly adapt, using the monitor on the ground or mounting it on a truck for elevated attacks. These monitors excel in:

  • Mixed-use scenarios, where the initial attack requires high flow at ground level, but transitioning to an elevated angle becomes necessary as the situation evolves.
  • Flexible apparatus setups, enabling departments to mount the monitor on the truck for offensive attacks or quickly reposition it on the ground as a defensive measure.
  • Industrial sites or urban areas with multi-story structures, where switching between ground and elevated operations helps cover a larger fireground with minimal equipment adjustments.

Not sure if you need a dual-purpose monitor? Schedule a demo!

Why Choose a Portable Monitor?

Portable monitors offer a blend of power, flexibility, and safety:

  • Flexible Attack Angles: Many portable monitors provide adjustable angles for precise targeting, essential for handling fires at various heights and distances.
  • High Flow Rates: Models with flow rates up to 1250 GPM (like the Crossfire) deliver substantial knockdown power, ideal for large-scale or high-intensity fires.
  • Enhanced Stability: Features like stabilizing legs, locking pins, and pressure-regulated safety mechanisms allow monitors to operate independently without constant monitoring by firefighters, freeing personnel for other tasks

Comparison Chart of TFT Portable Monitors

Here’s a chart comparing key features and use cases for each model, helping users find the right monitor for their needs. This comparison will help firefighters understand which model is best for ground, mounted, or dual-purpose applications, simplifying the decision-making process.

Flow Rate500 GPM, 2000 LPM500 GPM, 2000 LPM500 GPM, 2000 LPM1250 GPM, 4750 LPM500 GPM, 2000 LPM
Angle Range10-46° (standard) / 10-86° (high)30-60° unassisted, 20-60° assisted25-50° unassisted, 10-50° assisted35° above horizontal (full rotation)80° sweeping range, 360° rotation
Safety MechanismsSafety Shutoff Valve, Safety Locking PinSafety Locking PinSafety Gating Inlet, Safety Locking PinSpring Loaded Butterfly Valve, Locking Button, Lever LockRotating Locking Pin, Lever Lock
Location OptionsGround OnlyGround OnlyGround OnlyDeck Gun or GroundClamp Mounting System
Carry Handle
Operate Unassisted
Foam Compatibility
Carbide-Tipped LegsN/A
Optional Oscillation
Detent Slide Valve

Which Portable Monitor Fits Your Needs?

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An excellent choice for high-flow ground applications, the BlitzFire is known for its versatility and ease of setup. Suitable for scenarios where quick deployment and unattended operation are priorities.



Compact and maneuverable, the BlitzForce is built for dynamic fireground operations, providing flexibility for precise stream control in close-quarter or fast-moving situations.

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Ideal for limited staffing situations, the BlitzTac’s lightweight design allows single-person setup, making it perfect for solo firefighters needing a rapid, high-flow solution.

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The Crossfire dual-purpose monitor transitions seamlessly from ground use to deck-mounted applications, delivering high flow and flexibility for departments that need multi-use equipment.

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Designed for mounted or clamped use, the Hemisphere provides unparalleled directional control and adaptability in tight or elevated positions.

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