Foam Systems

Guide to Eductor Proportioning with New SFFF Formulations

As the fire service transitions to Synthetic Fluorine Free Foam (SFFF) concentrate, there are several concerns to be addressed. It is well known that the finished foam from these new formulas does not act in the same manner as Aqueous Film Forming Foams (AFFF). Formulation differences also mean that the viscosity of SFFF concentrates varies […]

Which TFT Nozzles Are Compatible with Alcohol Resistant Foams?

Are you wondering which of our nozzles can be used with alcohol resistant foams? Let Brian “Pods” Podsiadlik give you a brief explanation, including some information on the Bubblecup! What is the Bubblecup? Bubblecup is a firefighting nozzle that has a built-in foam aspirating feature. This feature allows you to slide a sleeve forward for […]

3 Considerations When Choosing a CAFS Nozzle

A key component of successful fireground application of compressed air foam is using a high-performance nozzle. Nozzle selection plays an important role in your fire department’s Compressed Air Foam System (CAFS) implementation program. During the nozzle selection process, buy-in from your firefighting teams on a final nozzle choice is challenging yet critical.   Today, nozzle selection […]

What is a Nozzle Aspirated Foam System (NAFS)?

Nozzle Aspirated Foam Systems (NAFS)  To produce finished foam for application onto fire, four basic items are required: water, foam concentrate, air, and mechanical agitation. When all four components are brought together in the correct amounts, finished foam (the media applied to the fire or fuel surface) is produced. Nozzle Aspirated Foam Systems (NAFS) have […]

Evaluating Nozzles for Compressed Air Foam Systems (CAFS)

When evaluating nozzles for use with CAFS, there are four criteria that affect firefighter safety and firefighting efficiency. These are target delivery rate, finished foam quality, stream reach, and nozzle reaction force. Before we discuss each of these, let’s quickly discuss the use of Class A foam with a compressed air foam system. Class A […]

What is Firefighting Foam and Why do Firefighters Use it?

Firefighting foam plays a vital role in successful firefighting. Developed over a century ago to combat challenging oil fires resistant to water, this unique firefighting tool has evolved while retaining its core purpose.Today, it is still used to knock down and secure burning and unignited flammable liquids. Class A foams are also used on ordinary […]

How Does Toxic PFAS and PFOA Firefighting Foam Affect Your Firefighting Crew?

What is Firefighting Foam?  PFOS (Perfluorooctane Sulfonate) and PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic acid) are chemicals used to make items resistant to water. These chemicals were historically found in many items like cookware and clothing. PFOS and PFOA have also been used in firefighting foams intended to put out petroleum-based fires. They are commonly found in Aqueous Film […]

Synthetic Fluorine Free Foams – Are You Ready for the Next Big Change?

Understanding the Shift from AFFF to SFFF: Enhancing Firefighter Safety and Performance In this article we are going to examine: Why AFFF foam has become popular for firefighting applications Why AFFF is being phased out of firefighting What you should expect from the new SFFF foam agents that are replacing AFFF agents As the fire service […]