How do I measure GPM Discharged from an Automatic Firefighting Nozzle?

What is an Automatic Nozzle? An automatic firefighting nozzle is a variable flow, constant pressure nozzle capable of building a set amount of pressure within its flow range. The nozzle does this with a spring-loaded baffle that automatically alters the opening size at the exit of the nozzle. This allows it to build the appropriate […]

What is Firefighting Foam and Why do Firefighters Use it?

Firefighting foam plays a vital role in successful firefighting. Developed over a century ago to combat challenging oil fires resistant to water, this unique firefighting tool has evolved while retaining its core purpose.Today, it is still used to knock down and secure burning and unignited flammable liquids. Class A foams are also used on ordinary […]

What Challenges Can You Expect with SFFF Firefighting Foam?

As you switch over to SFFF formulations, you face a few different challenges. Have you explored them? One of the first major challenges you face is that SFFF chemical formulations can vary widely by manufacturer. Each manufacturer’s SFFF agent formulation may be significantly different from other producers, even proprietary. Think about that for a minute […]