Tips for Maintaining Your CrewProtect and StationProtect Systems

“Is this going to take a lot of my time?”  We’re sure you’ve asked yourself that question hundreds of times during your life. Everyone knows the feeling of walking into a long meeting or starting a daunting project. At the end of the day, your time is valuable, and you shouldn’t spend too much of […]

How do VOCs, Particulates, & Aerosols Affect Fire Service?

It is no secret that as a firefighter or first responder, you are exposed to health risks and hazards regularly. One of the most talked about risks in firefighting today is air contamination. As a firefighter, you use equipment on scene and off to protect yourself from breathing in harmful materials. Volatile organic compounds, particulates, […]

Your 9 Most Common Questions About CrewProtect Air Decontamination Systems

  You care about protecting your crew, from the time they enter the station until they leave to go home to their families. You also know that air contamination is a major threat to firefighters, contributing to a host of diseases, cancers, and health concerns. The good news is that you can protect your crew […]

Is TFT the Right Fit for Your Firefighter Air Decon Needs?

  You focus on keeping your crew safe and healthy. You also lead them through changes in firefighting equipment, procedures, and best practices. If you are looking to mitigate the risk associated with airborne threats in the fire service, you are probably also transforming your standard operating procedures.  We hope you will turn to us for […]

How important is clean cab air in your firefighting apparatus? Firefighter Eric LeBlanc shares his story about cancer.

Today, the average cost for cancer treatment runs in the $150,000 range, though some are significantly more. On a national level, the United States spent a total of $173,000,000,000 on cancer treatment in the year 2020. (source: The U.S. National Library of Medicine) Let’s hear Eric LeBlanc’s story… Man, I was in my element. It […]

CrewProtect Air Decon Demonstration: Watch How Quickly You Can Reduce Airborne Threats in Fire Apparatus Cabs

After leaving a fire, your personnel, clothing, and equipment are contaminated with cancer-causing particulate soot. Some of these items continue to off-gas VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) and can be inhaled for up to 45 minutes. Protect you and your crew every day from these various carcinogenic threats. CrewProtect is the only self-contained, comprehensive air decontamination and filtration system […]