How to Change Operating Modes on an RC Ball Intake Valve

If you have an RC Ball Intake Valve and need to switch operator modes, it is a simple process that involves pressing a button.

Your BIV will come in Manual mode from the factory. This means when you push the open or close button, the valve will only move while you hold the button down. Once you remove your hand, the valve will stop. This is useful for controlling how far your valve opens, but if you’d like to switch over to an automatic mode and have it open or close fully with one touch, it is simple.

Changing to Automatic Mode 

To switch to automatic mode, press and hold the stop and close button on your controller until the lights at the top flash. Once those lights stop flashing you will be in automatic mode. You can now open and close your valve with one touch.

Changing to Manual Mode 

If you need to switch over to manual mode for more precise valve control, simply hold the open and stop button on your controller. The lights at the top will flash. Once this stops, you will have manual control again.